me as a silhouette standing on top of a rock looking into the ocean
I am a cyber security student at ethz & epfl and work a lot on web-related projects.



In 2013 I started the gymnasium at NKSA with the "akzentfach" infcom which consisted of IT / communication modules. More specifically programming, design and movie making.

I quickly met Dario Breitenstein and David Schmid and we started to create small java applications whose purpose was to, for example, synchronously play songs from multiple devices, to offer similar functionality to Apple's Airdrop, to enable chatting within the local network or to send encrypted emails (We definitely did not know how to properly use crypto libraries at that time..) in our spare time.

Rather quickly we also started to design websites. Under the name hexcode we realized multiple projects for family, friends and teachers. We could even rework the school's website and create a new internal digital signage system. In addition we created web applications with purposes such as sharing music files between friends or collecting school grades and showing related statistics. At some point we got to know Marc Berchtold, also a classmate, a bit better and when Dario got into the adventure room business, we four worked on several adventure room related it projects.

This all was during our middle school time (2013-2017). We still work on side projects together from time to time and sometimes we participate in hackathons. (I was part of the team the first time in 2019 when we won the swisscom challenge and a second time in 2020 when we were among the finalists.)

In 2014, a year after I started middle school, my german teacher Beat Knaus told me about his side project "begriffen", an e-learning platform he was working on with a previous student, Michael Ziörjen. This marked the start of several years working on "begriffen" and its successor "wit". (Since the end of 2019 I have not contributed code to either.)

In the next few years I collaborated several times with Michael Ziörjen to create websites for customers.

In 2015 I redesigned the website of my father's company, the Hauser Feuerschutz AG. After another year, in 2016, we decided to create a custom website for the online shop. Up to this point, a shop system provided by a supplier was used. Custom interfaces were added for easier integration into the existing infrastructure. Initially the shop was run on WordPress with the WooCommerce and WPML plugins. In several steps, the shop was then transitioned to a Next.js / vendure system. By leveraging Next.js's static site generation as well as Elasticsearch, it was possible to make the website blazingly fast. I mainly support the online shop but I also help out with the rest of the IT infrastructure.

Bachelor's Thesis

In 2021 I finished my Bachelor's degree at ETHZ with my Bachelor's thesis called "Safe evaluation of MFOTL dual temporal operators". In short I extended VeriMon, a formally verified runtime monitor with two additional operators.

Semester Project

During spring of 2022 I worked on the "Proof of Personhood" semester project at the DEDIS lab at EPFL. It was a project started in an earlier semester by previous students and the goal is to demonstrate use cases of a proof of personhood. I was part of the e-voting team whose primary goal was to add support for secret ballot elections. In addition I started overhauling the user interface to make the application easier to use.
